Nethogs analyzer
Go/Golang Script NetworkingTask
As part of my research at Sophia university (上智大学) I had to create a script that would help me create network traffic data needed to create analysis of how much data each application running on the Linux server was taking up.
I decided to create a simple script in Go, which would take in the raw text data generated by Nethogs (available here) and streamed into a text file using the sed text editor with the following command:
sudo nethogs -t -d 1 | sed 's/[^[:print:][:cntrl:]]//g' > in.txt
The script takes in the .txt file and transforms it into a .csv file which can later be used in programs such as LibreOffice Spreadsheet or Excel for further processing or visualization. As Nethogs with the above command is configured to take a snapshot every second, we get a per second frame of the network situation. The script can produce either a per process data file or a sum of all processes per second file.
The project is publicly available on GitHub here.
As a demonstration, please refer to the images below. The first image shows the .txt file created with Nethogs, which is the input for this script:

After the processing, the script generates the following .csv file:

Please feel free to take a look and try out the script!